President's Message

President’s Message

 Nick McWhirter

Chapter President

 I am truly honored to serve as the president of ASHRAE British Columbia Chapter for 2023-24. First and foremost, I would like to thank the many volunteers who were able to lead us through the years 2020 to 2022, where the lack of in person meetings provided many extra challenges for our group. I believe we have grown stronger as a chapter and look forward to continuing our in-person meetings for 2023 and beyond.

I also want to thank all chapter members who attended any virtual events and presentations. Our chapter demonstrated a commitment to connecting and learning together, regardless of the obstacles in place.

A highlight of 2022 was our Sutainability Committee creating a comprehensive and cohesive Building Sustainability & Resilience Guide.  Special acknowledgement to Warrick Brown (current Chair), and Max Lauretta (previous Chair) for their initiative and leadership. This document has been published and is linked on our website.

The hard work put into the guide is being recognized throughout both BC and Canada-wide, while becoming a go to document for many industry stakeholders. The goal is to put us on track to achieve climate change mitigation goals, as set by all levels of government.

I am proud to be working with a diverse board of governors and a committed group of members. We are all excited to have a group of passionate new volunteeers joinging to board this year as well!

Special acknowledgment for long-serving Governers: Chris Collett, Les Pereira, Norm Grusnik, Peter Sung, and Eric Bradley for being true stewards of the chapter, and mentors for the board. They all put in countless hours of work in the background and are a key part of this chapter’s consistent value for its members.

Our board is committed to providing consitently valuable presentation topics, interesting tours, social events, and networking opportunities for our members.

I look forward to making 2024 one of the best ASHRAE years on record and hope to see you all very soon.

Best Regards

Nick McWhirter